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Charity warns debts owed to government and utility providers set to soar
Charity warns debts owed to government and utility providers set to soar
Post on 04th Nov 2020
A new paper published on National Stress Awareness Day is warning UK debts owed to government and utility providers are set to soar due to the impacts of Covid.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: News
Water, Debt, Water Poverty
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Surviving the Wilderness: The landscape of personal debt in the UK
Surviving the Wilderness: The landscape of personal debt in the UK
Post on 04th Nov 2020
Following on from the June 2020 NEA policy paper “The Gathering Storm: Utility Debt and Covid-19”, this paper provides an evidence synthesis of personal debt, both prior and post the Covid-19 outbreak, with a focus on the shift from consumer debt, such as loans and credit cards, to household debts, such as arrears with utility providers, offering a comparison of known debt levels in energy, water and local government.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Water, Water Poverty
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NEA response to BEIS “Consultation on a Green Gas Levy”
NEA response to BEIS “Consultation on a Green Gas Levy”
Post on 02nd Nov 2020
NEA’s Response to the BEIS Consultation on a Green Gas Levy. NEA disagrees with the introduction of a new levy on gas bills to pay for green gas projects, and believes that this should be paid for out of general taxation. If the proposals were to be taken ahead for a new levy, NEA believes that this should be constructed in distributionally fair way instead of the proposed flat rate for all users.
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Policy, BEIS, Economics, Levies
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Comments on Provisional Findings of Water Redeterminations 2020
Comments on Provisional Findings of Water Redeterminations 2020
Post on 28th Oct 2020
NEA recognises that many low-income households experience affordability issues with their essential household bills, rarely struggling with one bill in isolation, and as a result is delivering a programme of work which seeks to support ‘People Living in Water Poverty and Fuel Poverty’.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Water, Consultation, Water Poverty
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Empowering Energy
Empowering Energy
Post on 26th Oct 2020
Empowering Energy
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Cartrefi Cynnes a Diogel (Cymru a Lloegr)
Cartrefi Cynnes a Diogel (Cymru a Lloegr)
Post on 21st Oct 2020
Mae Gwasanaeth Cyngor WASH NEA yn wasanaeth cymorth am ddim sy’n darparu cyngor i ddeiliaid tai yng Nghymru a Lloegr ar eu biliau ynni ac yn cadw’n gynnes ac yn ddiogel yn eu cartref.
Nation / Region: Wales , Cymru
Content Type: Advice
Advice, Cymraeg
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COVID-19 – update on delivery and operations
COVID-19 – update on delivery and operations
Post on 21st Oct 2020
At NEA our priority is to ensure that everyone is able to live in a warm home. This remains important, particularly when people may be spending more time at home or facing uncertainties regarding income.  However we also do not want to put anyone at unnecessary risk.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: Article
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Energy suppliers to strengthen support for struggling energy customers
Energy suppliers to strengthen support for struggling energy customers
Post on 19th Oct 2020
NEA has today welcomed Ofgem’s decision to ensure all energy suppliers across Great Britain provide more support for customers struggling in debt, identify pre-payment customers who run out of credit and offer appropriate forms of advice and support.
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Consumer Protection, Ofgem, Fuel Debt, Energy Markets, News Release
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NEA response to Ofgem’s RIIO 2 Sector Specific Consultation (ED2)
NEA response to Ofgem’s RIIO 2 Sector Specific Consultation (ED2)
Post on 17th Oct 2020
NEA has extensively engaged with Ofgem the DNOs to help shape this price control, through stakeholder meetings, workshops, and through working with Ofgem in the RIIO 2 working groups. NEA is so far pleased with Ofgem’s approach in the ED2 price control, especially the increased focus on stakeholder engagement and vulnerability. We believe, however, that there are several areas that require closer, additional consideration.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Ofgem, Consultation, Social impact
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