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Review of the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme and energy efficiency provision

Review of the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme and energy efficiency provision

17th Feb 2020

Based on the 2016 House Condition Survey (HCS), Northern Ireland has a rate of fuel poverty at 22%. It is also estimated that there are approximately 43,800 households in extreme fuel poverty which means they need to spend over 15%…

Warm and Safe Homes: Vulnerable people first. Impact report 2018-19

Warm and Safe Homes: Vulnerable people first. Impact report 2018-19

02nd Oct 2019

The challenge for most charities is to do remarkable things in testing circumstances. That is certainly true for NEA and the results can be seen in this report.

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2018-19

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2018-19

22nd Sep 2019

This year, the focus of the Monitor is on progress in delivering existing fuel poverty strategies in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

NEA NI Newsletter — February 2019

NEA NI Newsletter — February 2019

27th Mar 2019

This newsletter is sponsored by the Public Health Agency through our Northern Exposure project. It will provide you with current programmes of work aimed at providing advice or support to householders as well as up to date fuel poverty policy…

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 2)

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 2)

23rd Feb 2019

A practical guide to help MPs, MLAs, local councillors, health professionals and advice workers answer queries on energy bills, heating, home insulation and energy efficiency.

NEA NI Newsletter — October 2018

NEA NI Newsletter — October 2018

02nd Nov 2018

This newsletter is sponsored by the Public Health Agency through our Northern Exposure project. It will provide you with current programmes of work aimed at providing advice or support to householders as well as up to date fuel poverty policy…

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 1)

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 1)

26th Jun 2018

A practical guide to help MPs, MLAs, local councillors, health professionals and advice workers answer queries on energy bills, heating, home insulation and energy efficiency.

Understanding Carbon Monoxide Rise in Households Vulnerable to Fuel Poverty

Understanding Carbon Monoxide Rise in Households Vulnerable to Fuel Poverty

15th Sep 2017

This research investigated the relationship between fuel poverty and carbon monoxide (CO) risk in households on low incomes and in vulnerable situations.

The Cold Man of Europe

The Cold Man of Europe

01st Oct 2015

This briefing compares the state of the UK housing stock and fuel poverty levels with 15 other European countries. It concludes that no other country of the 16 assessed performed as poorly overall as the UK across the range of…

Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach

17th Jun 2014

NEA engaged the University of Ulster to undertake research into the mental health and wellbeing impacts of fuel poverty and how energy efficiency measures can be used to combat them. A significant outcome from the research was it demonstrated to…