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Comparing heating systems in Wakefield (CP758)

Comparing heating systems in Wakefield (CP758)

25th Oct 2018

This project focused on the installation and evaluation of measures or combinations of measures in homes at risk of fuel poverty. There was a mix of innovative and more well-established technologies installed in the properties. WDH’s standard heating replacement programme…

Air-source heat pumps with solar PV-T panels (CP752)

Air-source heat pumps with solar PV-T panels (CP752)

06th Oct 2018

This project installed a hybrid combination of a Mitsubishi air-source heat pump (ASHP) with novel Solar Angel PV-T (PV and thermal) solar panels in 21 homes, to provide a “whole house” approach, in rural properties not connected to mains gas…

Airtightness measures (CP760)

Airtightness measures (CP760)

26th Sep 2018

This project used airtightness tests to identify sources of uncontrolled ventilation and cold spots in poor energy efficiency (SAP bands D G) properties in a rural area of Wales, highly exposed to sea winds, often solid walled or other hard…

No-fines concrete housing insulation scheme (CP779)

No-fines concrete housing insulation scheme (CP779)

25th Sep 2018

No fines concrete houses are houses that have walls constructed from in situ cast concrete that does not contain the fine aggregate that is usually mixed within the concrete. This means that the larger aggregate (gravel of 10 20mm in…

Health and Innovation Programme Social Evaluation Report 2017-18: Executive Summary

11th Sep 2018

The Health and Innovation Programme was a £26.2 million programme to bring affordable warmth to fuel poor and vulnerable households in England, Scotland and Wales. The programme launched in April 2015 and has delivered energy efficiency advice and measures to…

Ground Source Heat Pump (CP746)

Ground Source Heat Pump (CP746)

06th Sep 2018

The project comprises the replacement of the heating and hot water systems of two residential sheltered blocks whose residents are over 55 years of age. The main block comprises 41 flats; the second and smaller block to the rear of…

Hybrid heat pumps, infrared radiators and Sunamp heat stacks (CP780)

Hybrid heat pumps, infrared radiators and Sunamp heat stacks (CP780)

25th Aug 2018

Ongo Homes installed three different types of innovative full heating systems into 30 properties from their social housing stock. Existing heating was removed and replaced with one of the three technologies: 14 Logicor infrared radiator systems, 10 Daikin Altherma hybrid…

External wall insulation on park homes in North Lincolnshire (CP783) (CP784)

External wall insulation on park homes in North Lincolnshire (CP783) (CP784)

16th Jul 2018

External wall insulation (EWI) is an established technology that improves heat retention and energy efficiency. In essence, EWI provides an external jacket to a park home that significantly enhances thermal efficiency. This should improve performance of existing building fabric, ensuring…



01st Jul 2018

Research released by NEA has demonstrated that smart meters can benefit vulnerable and low-income households – but in most cases this requires additional support and advice.

External wall insulation on park homes in North Lincolnshire (CP783)

External wall insulation on park homes in North Lincolnshire (CP783)

27th Jun 2018

This project was delivered by YES Energy Solutions in collaboration with North Lincolnshire Council.

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 1)

Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 1)

26th Jun 2018

A practical guide to help MPs, MLAs, local councillors, health professionals and advice workers answer queries on energy bills, heating, home insulation and energy efficiency.

Daikin hybrid heat pump (CP759)

Daikin hybrid heat pump (CP759)

25th Jun 2018

After the successful delivery of a project that replaced electric storage heaters with hybrid heat pumps Home Group were invited to run an additional hybrid heat pump project. This project replaced gas boilers that were due for renewal with Daikin…