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Connecting Homes for Health
17th Jun 2020
The Connecting Homes for Health pilot project was delivered by fuel poverty charity NEA, Northern Gas Networks and YES Energy Solutions. In what’s believed to be an industry first, it combined funding from the Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme and…

Response to Ofwat innovation funding and competition: further consultation on design and implementation
17th Jun 2020
In our January 2020 response to Ofwat’s forward work plan, we acknowledged that driving innovation across the water sector was vital to address the strategic challenges the industry faces. We believe the innovation competition allows an additional opportunity for companies…

NEA response to Heat Networks: Building a Market Framework
01st Jun 2020
District heating can contribute to fuel poverty reduction targets through its ability to provide stable and predictable prices for energy over an extended period of time; reduced worry for households about breakdowns or repairs; the creation of local employment opportunities…

Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable energy customers
02nd Apr 2020
NEA appreciates that many energy suppliers and their staff will be working tirelessly to provide appropriate support and services for customers in vulnerable circumstances during the COVID-19 outbreak. NEA has also been capturing its own staff’s feedback on the early…

NEA NI Newsletter — March 2020
30th Mar 2020
This newsletter is sponsored by the Public Health Agency through our Northern Exposure project. It will provide you with current programmes of work aimed at providing advice or support to householders as well as up to date fuel poverty policy…

NEA response to Ofgem Policy consultation for protecting energy consumers with prepayment meters
01st Mar 2020
It is imperative that prepayment meter (PPM) customers continue to receive protection. The CMA stated in its initial ruling of the energy market investigation that PPM customers have higher actual and perceived barriers to switching that arise from both lack…

NEA response to Ofwat Forward Work Programme 2020-21
26th Feb 2020
Driving consumer and societal outcomes through company performance should remain a key ambition of Ofwat so that it can continue to demonstrate the legitimacy of a privatised water sector even with the reduced risk of re-nationalisation following the recent general…

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2020-2021
17th Feb 2020
NEA NI works closely with the Utility Regulator across many aspects of work, but especially in relation to consumers and policy development, also with the view to empowering consumers and communities. We have made some comments around the objectives in…

Review of the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme and energy efficiency provision
17th Feb 2020
Based on the 2016 House Condition Survey (HCS), Northern Ireland has a rate of fuel poverty at 22%. It is also estimated that there are approximately 43,800 households in extreme fuel poverty which means they need to spend over 15%…

Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy
17th Feb 2020
The Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme currently provides a payment of £140 (inclusive of VAT) towards energy bills, and also contains provisions to carry out projects to help low-income and vulnerable households to better afford their energy bill. The scheme…

NEA response to Citizens Advice Draft Consumer Work Plan 2020-21
17th Jan 2020
Over the last year, NEA has worked alongside Citizens Advice on a number of issues in order to facilitate better outcomes for fuel poor and vulnerable households in the energy market.

NEA response to Ofgem’s Forward Work Programme 2020/22 Consultation
17th Jan 2020
Over the last year, NEA, alongside other consumer groups, worked with Ofgem to secure some key improvements in the treatment of domestic customers. In particular, we worked to ensure that low income and vulnerable customers had adequate protections in gas…