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NEA response to Ofgem’s RIIO 2 Sector Specific Consultation (ED2)

NEA response to Ofgem’s RIIO 2 Sector Specific Consultation (ED2)

17th Oct 2020

NEA has extensively engaged with Ofgem the DNOs to help shape this price control, through stakeholder meetings, workshops, and through working with Ofgem in the RIIO 2 working groups. NEA is so far pleased with Ofgem’s approach in the ED2…

Health and Innovation Programme Social Evaluation Report 2017-18: Executive Summary

11th Sep 2018

The Health and Innovation Programme was a £26.2 million programme to bring affordable warmth to fuel poor and vulnerable households in England, Scotland and Wales. The programme launched in April 2015 and has delivered energy efficiency advice and measures to…