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Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter

Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter

26th Jan 2022

This policy briefing highlights the positive steps that can be taken now by the UK Government and energy regulator Ofgem to respond to the current energy crisis and support vulnerable energy customers this winter. It is hoped that this will…

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2020-21

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2020-21

30th Nov 2021

This year’s UKFPM identifies the opportunities associated with decarbonising heat for fuel poor households; the barriers they face in doing so; the likely risks of the decarbonisation agenda for them; and which policy developments and interventions are required to ensure…

Warm and Safe Homes Action Guide

Warm and Safe Homes Action Guide

27th Nov 2020

This guide is designed to be a practical and easy-to-use document that will help you identify the best solutions for householders in fuel poverty who are worried about keeping their homes warm and safe and paying their energy bills.

The Gathering Storm: Utility debt and COVID-19

The Gathering Storm: Utility debt and COVID-19

19th Jun 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has already had a significant impact on household finances, especially those that already struggle with the costs of essential services. But there is a bigger gathering storm. Existing debt issues within the water and energy sectors are…

NEA response to Ofgem Policy consultation for protecting energy consumers with prepayment meters

NEA response to Ofgem Policy consultation for protecting energy consumers with prepayment meters

01st Mar 2020

It is imperative that prepayment meter (PPM) customers continue to receive protection. The CMA stated in its initial ruling of the energy market investigation that PPM customers have higher actual and perceived barriers to switching that arise from both lack…

Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy

Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy

17th Feb 2020

The Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme currently provides a payment of £140 (inclusive of VAT) towards energy bills, and also contains provisions to carry out projects to help low-income and vulnerable households to better afford their energy bill. The scheme…

NEA response to Ofgem’s consultation “Proposals to improve outcomes for consumers who experience self-disconnection and self-rationing”

NEA response to Ofgem’s consultation “Proposals to improve outcomes for consumers who experience self-disconnection and self-rationing”

22nd Sep 2019

The proposals made in this consultation will undoubtedly have a material affect on the number of customers that self-disconnect and self-ration. They are broadly in line with a number of suggestions that NEA made within our response to the preceding…

Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach

17th Jun 2014

NEA engaged the University of Ulster to undertake research into the mental health and wellbeing impacts of fuel poverty and how energy efficiency measures can be used to combat them. A significant outcome from the research was it demonstrated to…