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Smarter Homes for a Smarter Future webinar
Smarter Homes for a Smarter Future webinar
Post on 28th Apr 2022
Critical factors for the Adoption of Smart Homes for Energy Efficiency
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Energy Markets, Briefing Paper, Decarbonisation, Net Zero, Energy, Smart Homes
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Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter
Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter
Post on 26th Jan 2022
This policy briefing highlights the positive steps that can be taken now by the UK Government and energy regulator Ofgem to respond to the current energy crisis and support vulnerable energy customers this winter. It is hoped that this will prompt policy interventions in advance of Ofgem announcing in February the next revision to the energy price cap.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland , Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Energy Tariffs, Energy Costs, Fuel Debt, Energy Markets, Briefing Paper, Discussion Paper, Energy crisis
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NEA response to BEIS Consultation ‘Improving home energy performance through lenders’
NEA response to BEIS Consultation ‘Improving home energy performance through lenders’
Post on 08th Feb 2021
NEA’s Response to the BEIS Consultation on Improving home energy performance through lenders. While NEA agrees with the need to move towards Green Mortgages, there are significant risks to fuel poor households that need to be fully understood. These can be mitigated by a generous exemption mechanism.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Consultation, Policy, BEIS, Economics
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NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
Post on 21st Dec 2020
Cold, damp and unsafe homes continue to cause shocking levels of unnecessary hardship and premature mortality. Across the UK, NEA estimates that on average more than 10,000 people die each year due to living in a cold home[i]. In England Wales where the proposals within this consultation will apply, excess winter deaths have risen by nearly 20% last winter.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Excess winter death, Fuel Poverty and Health, Housing
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The Net Zero Litmus Test: Making energy efficiency a public and private infrastructure investment priority
The Net Zero Litmus Test: Making energy efficiency a public and private infrastructure investment priority
Post on 02nd Oct 2019
Decarbonising the UK economy to meet the Government’s world-leading Net Zero greenhouse gas commitment by 2050, represents both an unprecedented challenge and an unrivalled opportunity for innovation and investment. The imperative of net zero emissions, as attested by the latest science and now set out in legislation, will require the continued transition of the power sector and also the rapid decarbonisation of manufacturing, transport, agriculture and buildings.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Research, Briefing Paper, Reports
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Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Post on 17th May 2019
The evaluation consortium has been working together on evaluating the impacts of the Warm Homes Fund (WHF) over the winter of 2019-2020 and has heard first-hand of the very significant and positive effects that the funding has had on the lives of many families and households.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Impacts, Advice, Off-grid, Housing, Rural, Project
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