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NEA response to BEIS ECO 4 Consultation
NEA response to BEIS ECO 4 Consultation
Post on 01st Sep 2021
NEA welcomes the extension and expansion of the ECO scheme until at least April 2026 and fully supports the consultation’s continued, critical focus on low-income and vulnerable households and greater support for deeper retrofits for the least energy efficient homes.
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Energy Company Obligation, BEIS
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NEA response to BEIS Warm Home Discount Scheme 2022-26 Consultation
NEA response to BEIS Warm Home Discount Scheme 2022-26 Consultation
Post on 20th Aug 2021
NEA’s Response to the BEIS Consultation on the Warm Home Discount Scheme 2022-26.
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Policy, BEIS, Rebates
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NEA’s response to Ofwat’s Payment, help and debt guidelines consultation, 2021
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s Payment, help and debt guidelines consultation, 2021
Post on 28th Jul 2021
NEA is pleased to respond to this open consultation on the proposed changes to the guidelines for water companies in supporting residential customers to pay their bill, access help and repay debts.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Water Poverty
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NEA NI response to the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Call for Evidence and views on the Climate Change Bill
NEA NI response to the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Call for Evidence and views on the Climate Change Bill
Post on 15th Jul 2021
NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs ‘Call for Evidence and views on the Climate Change Bill’.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Policy
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NEA NI response to Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland — Consultation on Policy Options
NEA NI response to Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland — Consultation on Policy Options
Post on 30th Jun 2021
NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department for Economy’s consultation on policy options for a new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Policy, Energy
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NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy Call for Evidence
NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Energy Strategy Call for Evidence
Post on 03rd Apr 2021
This strategy will impact upon every energy commodity in Northern Ireland from power station, to building, to vehicle. However, as a fuel poverty and energy efficiency campaigning charity, NEA NI will be specifically focussing on the key considerations for domestic housing stock and low-income householders.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Policy, Energy
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NEA NI response to the Northern Ireland Executive Programme for Government Draft Outcomes Framework Consultation Document
NEA NI response to the Northern Ireland Executive Programme for Government Draft Outcomes Framework Consultation Document
Post on 22nd Mar 2021
Urgent action is needed to improve health outcomes and support the most vulnerable people who are at most risk of needless death and morbidity. Public Health England (PHE) recently warned there is a clear overlap between cold homes and Covid-19 and it is more important than ever that the most vulnerable members of society can afford to live in a warm, safe home.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Consultation, Policy
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NEA NI response to the Consumer Council’s Draft Corporate Plan 2021-24
NEA NI response to the Consumer Council’s Draft Corporate Plan 2021-24
Post on 26th Feb 2021
The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (CCNI) plays a fundamental role in providing vital information, advice and advocacy for all consumers in Northern Ireland, with a focus on vulnerable consumers. This work has great importance for NEA and many organisations throughout Northern Ireland, both strategically and operationally, and we welcome the opportunity to respond to this Draft Corporate Plan 2021–2022.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Consumer Protection, Consultation, Policy
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NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation their forward programme 2021/22
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation their forward programme 2021/22
Post on 22nd Feb 2021
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation on their forward programme for 2021/22 outlines four key areas of focus.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Water, Consultation, Water Poverty, Ofwat
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