Water Poverty

Water saving tips
Did you know that by 2030, over half of the world’s population is expected to be experiencing water stress? Being more savvy with our water consumption doesn’t only help the environment, but it will save you money too.
Here are some ideas on how you can reduce the amount of water you use:
- Turning off the tap when brushing your teeth can save around 6 litres per minute
- For every minute you shorten your shower by you can save 8 litres of water
- Put a bottle of tap water in your fridge to keep cold – waiting for the tap to be cold enough wastes around 10 litres of water a day
- Filling the kettle with only the water you need saves water and energy
- If you have a garden then a water butt is a great way to catch free rainwater to water your garden with!
You can find out more about how to save water with the following organisations: