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Taking the Temperature of NG6
Taking the Temperature of NG6
Post on 25th Oct 2023
A review of how the NICE Guideline NG6 is delivering warm and safe homes, and what more can be done for vulnerable and terminally ill people.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type:Publications
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NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
Post on 21st Dec 2020
Cold, damp and unsafe homes continue to cause shocking levels of unnecessary hardship and premature mortality. Across the UK, NEA estimates that on average more than 10,000 people die each year due to living in a cold home[i]. In England Wales where the proposals within this consultation will apply, excess winter deaths have risen by nearly 20% last winter.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Excess winter death, Fuel Poverty and Health, Housing
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Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy
Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy
Post on 17th Feb 2020
The Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme currently provides a payment of £140 (inclusive of VAT) towards energy bills, and also contains provisions to carry out projects to help low-income and vulnerable households to better afford their energy bill. The scheme was introduced by the Government in April 2011 and is an obligation on energy suppliers funded through bills.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes, Health, Inequality, Fuel Debt, Excess winter death, Fuel Poverty and Health, Housing, Reports
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Better at Home
Better at Home
Post on 02nd Oct 2019
NEA worked with Macmillan Cancer Support to identify vulnerable households at risk of fuel poverty, living in a cold home and experiencing ill health. The fund supported the provision of energy efficiency and heating measures to householders identified as ‘in need’.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Research
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Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Post on 17th May 2019
The evaluation consortium has been working together on evaluating the impacts of the Warm Homes Fund (WHF) over the winter of 2019-2020 and has heard first-hand of the very significant and positive effects that the funding has had on the lives of many families and households.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Impacts, Advice, Off-grid, Housing, Rural, Project
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Under One Roof
Under One Roof
Post on 02nd Feb 2019
Under One Roof was commissioned by Liverpool City Council and funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It examines evidence and practices where health bodies have worked in partnership with fuel poverty alleviation schemes. It particularly aims to identify the type of evidence commissioners are requiring from scheme providers.
Nation / Region: North West
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Housing
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Health and Innovation Programme Social Evaluation Report 2017-18: Executive Summary
Health and Innovation Programme Social Evaluation Report 2017-18: Executive Summary
Post on 11th Sep 2018
The Health and Innovation Programme was a £26.2 million programme to bring affordable warmth to fuel poor and vulnerable households in England, Scotland and Wales. The programme launched in April 2015 and has delivered energy efficiency advice and measures to over 9000 households.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Wales
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Research, Impacts, Innovation, Social impact
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Get Warm Soon
Get Warm Soon
Post on 02nd Nov 2016
This report assesses how many health and wellbeing boards in England are including public health indicators on fuel poverty and excess winter deaths in their needs assessments and health and wellbeing strategies.
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Research
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Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach
Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach
Post on 17th Jun 2014
NEA engaged the University of Ulster to undertake research into the mental health and wellbeing impacts of fuel poverty and how energy efficiency measures can be used to combat them. A significant outcome from the research was it demonstrated to key stakeholders, including the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Public Health Agency that energy efficiency measures delivered alongside a managed network of support can assist fuel poor households and deliver improvements in health and wellbeing.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications
Fuel Poverty, Community Networks, Energy Costs, Health, Fuel Debt, Off-grid, Fuel Poverty and Health, Oil
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