Membership Application and Renewal Form

Organisation details

Type of organisation

Membership primary contact

Membership covers the whole company/organisation. Please give a primary contact; you can add additional people who wish to be added to the membership mailing list below.
Your Name(Required)
Your email address(Required)

Additional contacts

Give details of any additional people you would like to receive membership mailings
Click + to add more rows
Job Title
Email address

Terms and conditions of membership

By applying for membership you agree that:
  1. – You are applying on behalf of your organisation/authority and not in a personal capacity and you have the authorisation to do so.
  2. – You agree that NEA can refer to your company/authority as an NEA member, and may use the company/authority logo on the members pages of the NEA website.
  3. – Your organisation/authority supports the objectives of NEA.
  4. – Members should behave in a way which maintains the professional standards associated with the membership of NEA as a national charity.
  5. – Membership of NEA does not provide an endorsement of technical or other standards and should not imply that it does.
  6. – Members may only use or reproduce NEA’s logo with the written permission from the organisation.
  7. – Reference to membership may be included on letterheads used for individual correspondence.

Membership type and payment

Supporting Membership is FREE and is open to charities, Community Interest Companies, local authorities, Citizens Advice and not-for-profit registered housing providers. Supporting Membership does not include discounts on training courses or conference delegate places.

Enhanced Membership (Community) is open to the above categories and includes all benefits.

Enhanced Membership (SME) is open to private sector small to medium businesses with a turnover of less than £500k and includes all benefits.

Which membership category are you applying for?(Required)