
Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)

Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)

The project was led by NEA and North Devon Homes Ltd and had the following aims:

  • Install Tesla Powerwall 2 domestic battery systems in eight socially rented homes in North Devon without solar PV where the batteries charge only from the electricity grid.
  • Assess the performance of the 13.5kWh Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries when grid charging
  • Assess levels of resident satisfaction with the technology
  • Determine the battery performance over about a year and quantify the savings for the residents from the batteriesConsider any challenges associated with deployment and operation of the technology when charging with time of use tariffs.


Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)
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