Passive ventilation with heat recovery and Oxypod (CP763)
Date: 26th Sep 2017

This project was delivered by the Royal Borough of Greenwich. It involved installing a combination of two technologies – the Oxypod device, which removes dissolved gases from water-based central heating systems, reputedly improving efficiency of the system and reducing running costs; and the Ventive S passive ventilation and heat recovery system, which is intended to improve relative humidity levels and human comfort in interior spaces.
The project had the following aims:
- To establish whether households experience a reduction in heating costs as a consequence of installed systems.
- To establish whether Oxypod enables a more efficient gas central heating system.
- To establish whether the Ventive system reduces relative humidity and improves human comfort within dwellings.
- To establish whether Ventive S reduces obvious signs of excess moisture within buildings, such as organic growth or failure of internal decoration due to damp.
- To examine ease of installation, ease of use and resident satisfaction for installed systems.
- To contribute towards a body of evidence that will enable landlords and householders to assess contribution of installed systems to energy efficiency and suitability of systems in older, hard-to-treat housing stock where residents experience fuel poverty.
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