
NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Best Practice Framework Proposals: Code of Practice for Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstance

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Best Practice Framework Proposals: Code of Practice for Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstance

The overall aim of the Best Practice Framework programme is to establish best practice principles and measures which energy and water suppliers and distribution network companies (DNO’s) in NI must implement to better identify, support and protect consumers in vulnerable circumstances.

NEA NI welcome the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the proposed approach to the delivery of the Best Practice Framework (BPF) Proposals: Code of Practice for Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances.

We recognise the volume of work that has been undertaken to deliver the proposals outlined in the consultation documentation. It is our hope that the Best Practice Framework will go some way towards addressing the current gaps in the service provision for utility consumers in vulnerable circumstances by helping to ensure they are identified, adequately protected, and receive an appropriate level of support.


NEA NI response to the UR's Best Practice Framework Proposals: Code of Practice for Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstance
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