
NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Electricity Directive Consultation

NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Electricity Directive Consultation

While we understand that, at present, the key focus for the Department is to ensure that the Single Electricity Market (SEM) is maintained and fully operational after the implementation period. We also note that issues such as retail, consumer vulnerability and fuel poverty issues are an integral part of the Electricity Directive and Clean Energy Package as a whole and the translation of these issues have been paused and are to be considered under the new energy strategy. The delay in transposing these articles is concern to NEA and we would like to seek an assurance from the Department that these issues are fully translated into the energy strategy.

Fuel poverty remains a scourge on our society and we need to draw on all policy levers to mitigate and ultimately eradicate the problem. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy's Electricity Directive Consultation
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