News and Insights


Solving the cost of living crisis: the case for a new social tariff in the energy market
Solving the cost of living crisis: the case for a new social tariff in the energy market
Post on 05th Jul 2022
On 4 July 2022, National Energy Action published a new report arguing for the introduction of a social energy tariff for low-income households.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type:News
Fuel Poverty, Fuel Poverty Strategy, Ofgem, Research, Policy & Research, Policy, News, News Release, Reports, UK Government, Social justice
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Charity comments on UK Government’s energy retail market strategy
Charity comments on UK Government’s energy retail market strategy
Post on 23rd Jul 2021
Today (23 July 2021) the UK Government launched its new Energy Retail Market Strategy.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type:News
News, News Release, UK Government, Energy
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