News and Insights


Charity comments on UK Government’s energy retail market strategy
Charity comments on UK Government’s energy retail market strategy
Post on 23rd Jul 2021
Today (23 July 2021) the UK Government launched its new Energy Retail Market Strategy.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type:News
News, News Release, UK Government, Energy
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Fuel poverty charity comments on £96 increase to the energy price cap
Fuel poverty charity comments on £96 increase to the energy price cap
Post on 05th Feb 2021
The energy regulator Ofgem has today announced an £96 increase to the energy price cap. The increase is likely to result in suppliers putting their prices up in the coming weeks before the new cap level takes effect in April.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:
Ofgem, Media, News, News Release
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NEA urges that all efforts are co-ordinated to support people to stay warm & well this winter
NEA urges that all efforts are co-ordinated to support people to stay warm & well this winter
Post on 11th Nov 2020
Fuel Poverty Charity, NEA has urged all the key stakeholders with responsibility for delivery of services to ensure that all our efforts are co-ordinated to support people to stay warm and well this winter.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type:News
News, Northern Ireland, News Release
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Energy suppliers to strengthen support for struggling energy customers
Energy suppliers to strengthen support for struggling energy customers
Post on 19th Oct 2020
NEA has today welcomed Ofgem’s decision to ensure all energy suppliers across Great Britain provide more support for customers struggling in debt, identify pre-payment customers who run out of credit and offer appropriate forms of advice and support.
Content Type:News
Fuel Poverty, Consumer Protection, Ofgem, Fuel Debt, Energy Markets, News Release
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Government confirms future of ‘winter lifeline’
Government confirms future of ‘winter lifeline’
Post on 14th Oct 2020
The UK Government has today confirmed the immediate future of the Warm Home Discount (WHD) energy rebate scheme which was due to end in March 2021 and has now been extended for a year.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type:News
Warm Home Discount, News Release
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Fuel poverty champion recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
Fuel poverty champion recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
Post on 10th Oct 2020
Fuel poverty campaigner Maria Wardrobe is celebrating today after it was announced she will receive an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List 2020.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type:News
News, News Release
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Welsh Government releases new plan to end misery of cold homes
Welsh Government releases new plan to end misery of cold homes
Post on 30th Sep 2020
The Welsh Government has published a consultation on plans to tackle fuel poverty in Wales. NEA Cymru welcomes the opportunity to make sure this is the strongest possible response to the misery of cold homes in Wales.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:News
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, News Release
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Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhyddhau cynllun newydd i ddod â diflastod cartrefi oer i ben
Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhyddhau cynllun newydd i ddod â diflastod cartrefi oer i ben
Post on 30th Sep 2020
Heddiw mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ymgynghoriad ar gynlluniau i daclo tlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru. Mae NEA Cymru yn croesawu’r cyfle i sicrhau mai hwn fydd yr ymateb cryfaf posib i ddiflastod cartrefi oer yng Nghymru.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:News
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Cymraeg, News Release
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