Due to staff training telephone lines will close today at 2pm. They will reopen Wednesday 26 March at 9.30am. If you are able to, please complete the online referral form.
Take a look at our Additional Help page for details of organisations who may also be able to offer assistance.
Available in England and Wales, National Energy Action’s Energy Advice and Support Service is a free service providing energy bill help to householders in England and Wales on their bills and keeping warm and safe in their home. We can also help with benefits advice and income maximisation.
It offers advice workshops direct to householders and training to frontline staff.
Ways to get energy bill help

Speak to an adviser to get energy bill help.
Call 0800 304 7159 or
The WASH Advice Line and BSL interpretation are open Monday to Thursday 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm

Talk to us on webchat. Our webchat is open 13:00 – 16:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
What is on offer?

Face-to-face, telephone and online energy bill help for householders and case workers

Engagement sessions, workshops and community events to offer energy bill help. Submit a request.
We can help you with
Benefits advice and income maximisation
Support with gas and electricity accounts including fuel debt
Switching suppliers
Energy efficiency
Trust fund applications
Water rates
Warm Home Discount and Priority Services Register information
Get more energy bill help
Advice leaflets and videos with BSL interpretation can be found in our Advice Resources section.
All pages on our website can be easily translated into over 100 other languages using ReciteMe. It will also read pages aloud in over 60 different languages and you can adjust fonts and colours to help with dyslexia or neurodiversity.
Simply click the button near the top right-hand of the screen with a picture of a speaker and flags to get started. For about Recite Me go to https://www.nea.org.uk/news/national-energy-action-adds-accessibility-tool-recite-me-to-website/.