National Energy Action Annual Conference & Exhibition
4-6 December 2023, Leicester Tigers Stadium
Energy crisis: two years in
Conference programme
NEA Annual Conference 2023 – Energy crisis: two years in
Bringing organisations together to tackle fuel poverty
4-6 December, Leicester Tigers Stadium
Please note the agenda will be updated as we invite and confirm speakers and subjects.
MONDAY 4 December
5pm: Drinks reception, buffet and exhibition opening
TUESDAY 5 December
9.30am – 10.00am: Keynote Adam Scorer, Chief Executive, National Energy Action and Minister for Energy Consumers and Affordability, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Amanda Solloway MP
10.00am – 11.15am: Where are we on the energy crisis?
To include a data deep-dive and energy sector experts discussing data, tenure, health, age and net zero, two years into the energy crisis
11.15am – 11.45am: Break
11.45am – 1.00pm: What does the crisis tell us about next steps on fuel poverty?
Chair: Matt Copeland, Head of Policy, National Energy Action
Launch of National Energy Action’s Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022-23 including UK wide perspectives from across the nations and new analysis on the benefits of meeting fuel poverty commitments.
1.00pm – 2.15pm: Lunch
2.15pm – 3.30pm: Breakout workshops –
a) Fairer markets for fuel poor households: Retail and regulated energy Peter Smith, Director of Policy and Advocacy, National Energy Action.
b) Warmer and more affordable to heat: Warm Homes Fund lessons learnt
c) Helping households maximise incomes
3.30pm – 4.00pm: Break
4.00pm – 5.15pm: General Election: plenary Q&A
Energy efficiency: keeping it front and centre of the political agenda
7.00pm – till late (venue closes 1.00am): Conference dinner at Revolution Leicester, 6b New Walk, Leicester LE1 6TF. Informal buffet dinner for all conference delegates. Kindly sponsored by OVO.
WEDNESDAY 6 December
9.30am – 10.00am: Rob Howard interview
10.15am – 11.30am: Workshops
a) Warming Communities – programme supporting communities currently underrepresented and underserved – Danni Barnes, Director of Development and Partnerships and Peter Sumby, Director of Communities
b) Warm Homes, Healthy Futures
c) Homes: Retrofitting fuel poor homes – how can we go further and faster? Colin Timmins, Director of Homes, National Energy Action. Exploring retrofit on a number of projects including the lessons learnt by NEA from replacing failed external wall insulation at Fishwick.
11.30am – 12.00pm: Break
12.00pm – 12:30pm: Priorities for winter – Adam Scorer, Chief Executive, National Energy Action
12.30pm – 1.15pm: Awards presentation and conference close: Adam Scorer, Chief Executive, National Energy Action and Claire Durkin, Chair, National Energy Action
1.15pm: Lunch and end of conference