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Over a million vulnerable households missed out on vital energy crisis support last winter
Over a million vulnerable households missed out on vital energy crisis support last winter
Post on 06th Sep 2023
Today, the chief executive of fuel poverty charity National Energy Action (NEA) told MPs that over a million vulnerable households missed out on vital energy crisis support last winter.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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Is the worst of the energy crisis over?
Is the worst of the energy crisis over?
Post on 24th Aug 2023
Tomorrow (25 August), Ofgem will announce the new level of the energy price cap, for 1 October to 31 December. Based on the latest analysis by Cornwall Insight, the typical annual dual-fuel energy bill is expected to fall and be around £1,925.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Article
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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Nearly half of Gypsy and Traveller communities may not have received any Government energy crisis support
Nearly half of Gypsy and Traveller communities may not have received any Government energy crisis support
Post on 10th Aug 2023
New research finds many in the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, and Nomadic (GTRNCs) communities have been left without government support during the energy crisis.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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UK Government energy support ends for over 20 million households tomorrow – leaving 6.6 million in fuel poverty
UK Government energy support ends for over 20 million households tomorrow – leaving 6.6 million in fuel poverty
Post on 30th Jun 2023
Tomorrow (1 July) UK Government energy bills support ends for over two thirds of households across the UK. Ofgem’s price cap is reducing, meaning the typical annual bill will be £2,100 but 6.6 million UK households will be in fuel poverty.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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ONE WEEK COUNTDOWN: Thousands of households are in danger of missing out on vital energy vouchers
ONE WEEK COUNTDOWN: Thousands of households are in danger of missing out on vital energy vouchers
Post on 26th Jun 2023
30 June is the deadline for those who have not yet had their Energy Bills Support Scheme vouchers to get them reissued to them.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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National Energy Action responds to cross-party MP report on energy bill support
National Energy Action responds to cross-party MP report on energy bill support
Post on 16th Jun 2023
The Commons Public Accounts Committee published its report looking at the government’s energy bills support measures in response to the energy crisis, including the Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS).
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type:
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy, Energy crisis
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Tackling Fuel Poverty in NI – Local Government Election Manifesto 2023
Tackling Fuel Poverty in NI – Local Government Election Manifesto 2023
Post on 14th Apr 2023
In the absence of a functioning Northern Ireland Executive, our local councils have a considerable role to play in supporting fuel poor homes. Ahead of the upcoming local council elections, NEA are calling on candidates and parties to commit to tackling Fuel Poverty in their communities by supporting 3 key pledges, which are detailed in our Local Election Manifesto 2023.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Policy, Energy, Local Council
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NEA NI response to the Consumer Council NI’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2023-2024 Consultation
NEA NI response to the Consumer Council NI’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2023-2024 Consultation
Post on 21st Mar 2023
NEA welcome the opportunity to respond to the Consumer Council’s Draft Forward Work Programme (FWP) 2023–2024.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Policy
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NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Energy “One Stop Shop” Implementation Plan
NEA NI response to the Department for the Economy’s Energy “One Stop Shop” Implementation Plan
Post on 31st Jan 2023
NEA NI welcome the opportunity to respond to the consultation on policy options for the Energy “One Stop Shop” Implementation Plan.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Policy, Energy
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