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Charity calls on Chancellor to help poorer households across the United Kingdom balance their ‘negative budgets’ this winter
Charity calls on Chancellor to help poorer households across the United Kingdom balance their ‘negative budgets’ this winter
Post on 25th Oct 2021
NEA comments ahead of Wednesday’s Budget as householders battle high energy bills.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Budget, HM Treasury
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500,000 at risk of fuel poverty after tomorrow’s price rises
500,000 at risk of fuel poverty after tomorrow’s price rises
Post on 30th Sep 2021
Charity says new Household Support Fund welcome but not enough to prevent needless deaths this winter
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: News
Consumer Protection, Excess winter death
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Getting the smart meter rollout right for prepayment households
Getting the smart meter rollout right for prepayment households
Post on 29th Jun 2021
Blog by Matt Copeland, Head of Policy and Public Affairs
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: News
Smart Meters, Pre-payment meters
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Vulnerable ‘pay as you go’ energy customers put at ‘needless’ risk during pandemic
Vulnerable ‘pay as you go’ energy customers put at ‘needless’ risk during pandemic
Post on 28th Jun 2021
A new report released today [Tuesday 29th June] highlights that more than 2 million ‘pay as you go’ customers with older ‘legacy’ energy meters were put at needless risk during the pandemic.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
Smart Meters, News
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Debt Awareness Week: it’s time to take #TheFirstStep
Debt Awareness Week: it’s time to take #TheFirstStep
Post on 25th Mar 2021
NEA’s water poverty lead Jess Cook reflects on the challenges facing those struggling with debts, and encourages them to take #TheFirstStep
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
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Understanding your solar PV system and maximising the benefits
Understanding your solar PV system and maximising the benefits
Post on 25th Jan 2021
Over the last few months, the NEA Technical team has been busy delivering a new project aimed at helping residents to increase their self-consumption of solar PV.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Technical, Solar PV
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Government confirms long-term future of Warm Home Discount and pledge to put affordability at the heart of energy transformation
Government confirms long-term future of Warm Home Discount and pledge to put affordability at the heart of energy transformation
Post on 14th Dec 2020
The UK Government has today confirmed the long-term future of the Warm Home Discount (WHD) energy rebate scheme which has been extended until 2026.
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: News
Warm Home Discount
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New ONS figures reveal cold homes death toll
New ONS figures reveal cold homes death toll
Post on 27th Nov 2020
National fuel poverty charity highlights that millions of people in cold homes are at greater risk this winter, as COVID-19 intensifies seasonal stresses for those on lowest incomes and in the least efficient homes.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
Excess winter death
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Government confirms future of ‘winter lifeline’
Government confirms future of ‘winter lifeline’
Post on 14th Oct 2020
The UK Government has today confirmed the immediate future of the Warm Home Discount (WHD) energy rebate scheme which was due to end in March 2021 and has now been extended for a year.
Nation / Region: UK , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: News
Warm Home Discount, News Release
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