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School Activities
School Activities
Post on 28th Jul 2021
We have created new online education resources to help primary school children become home energy experts. The challenges are adapted from some of our most popular education materials and introduces children to concepts such as where energy comes from, what we use it for, and how to use it safely and efficiently at home.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Article
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Maximising the smart meter rollout for prepayment customers
Maximising the smart meter rollout for prepayment customers
Post on 29th Jun 2021
This research study has been completed with the support of Smart Energy GB to evaluate the potential benefits of smart prepayment, investigate remaining barriers that are preventing further uptake and consider a range of potential interventions to maximise the rollout of smart prepayment in the remaining years of the rollout.
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: Research
Smart Meters, Pre-payment meters
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Getting the smart meter rollout right for prepayment households
Getting the smart meter rollout right for prepayment households
Post on 29th Jun 2021
Blog by Matt Copeland, Head of Policy and Public Affairs
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: News
Smart Meters, Pre-payment meters
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Maximising the smart meter rollout for prepayment customers
Maximising the smart meter rollout for prepayment customers
Post on 29th Jun 2021
This research study has been completed with the support of Smart Energy GB to evaluate the potential benefits of smart prepayment, investigate remaining barriers that are preventing further uptake and consider a range of potential interventions to maximise the rollout of smart prepayment in the remaining years of the rollout.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Wales
Content Type: Publications
Smart Meters, Pre-payment meters
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Vulnerable ‘pay as you go’ energy customers put at ‘needless’ risk during pandemic
Vulnerable ‘pay as you go’ energy customers put at ‘needless’ risk during pandemic
Post on 28th Jun 2021
A new report released today [Tuesday 29th June] highlights that more than 2 million ‘pay as you go’ customers with older ‘legacy’ energy meters were put at needless risk during the pandemic.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
Smart Meters, News
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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Post on 02nd Jun 2021
Privacy Policy
Nation / Region: UK , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Article
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Debt Awareness Week: it’s time to take #TheFirstStep
Debt Awareness Week: it’s time to take #TheFirstStep
Post on 25th Mar 2021
NEA’s water poverty lead Jess Cook reflects on the challenges facing those struggling with debts, and encourages them to take #TheFirstStep
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
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Understanding your solar PV system and maximising the benefits
Understanding your solar PV system and maximising the benefits
Post on 25th Jan 2021
Over the last few months, the NEA Technical team has been busy delivering a new project aimed at helping residents to increase their self-consumption of solar PV.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
Technical, Solar PV
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Solar PV Advice
Solar PV Advice
Post on 22nd Dec 2020
Domestic solar PV systems convert sunlight into electricity which can be used in the home. They can help you reduce your energy bills, but it is important to understand how they work and how to get the most out of them. Find out more here.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Media Fact Sheets
Advice, Technical, Solar PV
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