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UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022-23
UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022-23
Post on 31st Jan 2024
The UK Fuel Poverty Monitor report from National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) sets out the urgent priorities for tackling fuel poverty in England and across the UK. 
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: Publications
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National Energy Action (NEA) Budget Submission 2024
National Energy Action (NEA) Budget Submission 2024
Post on 25th Jan 2024
National Energy Action’s key proposals: 1. Deliver on the commitment to consult on a new mandated social tariff from April 2024 2. Address a growing mountain of debt in the energy sector through a ‘help to repay’ scheme 3. Provide additional funding to upgrade the homes of fuel poor households, alongside effective regulations in the PRS
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Publications
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NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s draft Corporate Strategy 2024-2029
NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s draft Corporate Strategy 2024-2029
Post on 19th Jan 2024
NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s draft Corporate Strategy 2024-2029.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Policy
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to the additional debt-related costs allowance policy consultation
National Energy Action (NEA) response to the additional debt-related costs allowance policy consultation
Post on 16th Jan 2024
NEA is concerned about the record levels of debt and arrears in the market, recently reaching £2.6bn. This figure demonstrates that an increasing number of households are struggling to afford their ongoing costs of energy and are falling behind. With the majority of the £2.6bn figure coming from arrears, there is a clear need for energy suppliers to ensure that affordable repayment arrangements are being created.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence
National Energy Action (NEA) response to Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence
Post on 01st Dec 2023
The transition to net zero in Wales will be crucial to ensuring homes are warm and safe, mitigating climate change, and to achieving Welsh fuel poverty targets.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to Heat Strategy for Wales: Open consultation
National Energy Action (NEA) response to Heat Strategy for Wales: Open consultation
Post on 01st Dec 2023
The transition to zero carbon homes in Wales will be central to ensuring people are warm, healthy and safe. It will also help in Wales’s efforts to mitigate climate change and in achieving Welsh fuel poverty targets. This executive summary sets out NEA’s key priorities regarding Wales’s domestic heat strategy across three areas.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
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Smart Solar in Barnsley
Smart Solar in Barnsley
Post on 16th Nov 2023
The smart solar in Barnsley project was an innovation project funded by the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme.
Nation / Region: Yorks & Humber
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Solar PV, Alpha ESS, Battery Storage
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Taking the Temperature of NG6
Taking the Temperature of NG6
Post on 25th Oct 2023
A review of how the NICE Guideline NG6 is delivering warm and safe homes, and what more can be done for vulnerable and terminally ill people.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Publications
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LucidTalk — NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
LucidTalk — NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
Post on 20th Oct 2023
LucidTalk – NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Research, Policy & Research, Northern Ireland, Energy, Energy crisis
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