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Keeping Warm with your High Street Voucher
Keeping Warm with your High Street Voucher
Post on 18th Oct 2021
Five top tips that you can spend your High Street scheme ‘Spend Local’ card on to help reduce your heating and energy bills.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: News
News, Northern Ireland, News Release
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NEA response to BEIS Consultation: Hydrogen for heat: facilitating a grid conversion hydrogen heating trial
NEA response to BEIS Consultation: Hydrogen for heat: facilitating a grid conversion hydrogen heating trial
Post on 18th Oct 2021
NEA’s response to the BEIS Consultation on hydrogen heating trials. NEA welcomes the plans to deliver a hydrogen village trial by 2025. In this response, NEA sets out the key issues that will need to be considered to ensure fuel poor and vulnerable households can benefit from the trial and are adequately protected from any potentially negative outcomes.
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, BEIS, Decarbonisation, Hydrogen, Heating
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Tribute to Sir David Amess MP
Tribute to Sir David Amess MP
Post on 16th Oct 2021
National Energy Action tribute to Sir David Amess MP
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
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500,000 at risk of fuel poverty after tomorrow’s price rises
500,000 at risk of fuel poverty after tomorrow’s price rises
Post on 30th Sep 2021
Charity says new Household Support Fund welcome but not enough to prevent needless deaths this winter
Nation / Region: Wales , Scotland
Content Type: News
Consumer Protection, Excess winter death
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NEA Strategy 2021-2026
NEA Strategy 2021-2026
Post on 29th Sep 2021
The NEA strategy sets out our three priorities for the next five years. Five years that must be the start of a decade of dramatic action and delivery.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Publications
Briefing Paper, Strategy
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NEA briefing on Budget & Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) representations 2021
NEA briefing on Budget & Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) representations 2021
Post on 29th Sep 2021
Our Budget and CSR submissions recommend ways to support struggling households to keep warm this winter at a time when energy prices are increasing, incomes are reducing, and there are other financial pressures on households like rising inflation. It also recommends longer term actions to end fuel poverty through increased spending on energy efficiency and making the uplift to Universal Credit permanent.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Finance, Economics, HM Treasury
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NEA response to Defra’s consultation on a new strategic policy statement for Ofwat
NEA response to Defra’s consultation on a new strategic policy statement for Ofwat
Post on 24th Sep 2021
NEA is pleased to respond to this open consultation on a new Strategic Policy Statement for Ofwat, providing our thoughts and suggested amendments on each of the following proposed priorities.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Water Poverty
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Helping the poorest survive the energy crisis this winter
Helping the poorest survive the energy crisis this winter
Post on 24th Sep 2021
A blog by Peter Smith, Director of Policy and Advocacy at National Energy Action
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
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Warm Homes Week – what a time to hold a fuel poverty conference
Warm Homes Week – what a time to hold a fuel poverty conference
Post on 23rd Sep 2021
Blog by Adam Scorer, Chief Executive
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
News, News Release, Blog
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