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Taking the Temperature of NG6
Taking the Temperature of NG6
Post on 25th Oct 2023
A review of how the NICE Guideline NG6 is delivering warm and safe homes, and what more can be done for vulnerable and terminally ill people.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Publications
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Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 2021
Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 2021
Post on 16th Dec 2021
“My teenager covers himself in layers to keep warm …”
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Energy Efficiency, Energy Tariffs, Cold Homes, Health, Fuel Debt, Blog, Family
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Warm Minds
Warm Minds
Post on 20th Oct 2021
This small-scale pilot project, run in partnership with UK Power Networks, supports people with mental health issues and their carers.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Projects
Health, Partnership Working
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Our Health, Our Homes
Our Health, Our Homes
Post on 07th Jan 2021
For nearly four decades, NEA has partnered with local and national government, health bodies, industry and a wide range of local organisations to deliver practical solutions to improve health and wellbeing and address housing as a key social determinant of ill-health
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Research and Policy
Health, Housing, Housing Standards
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NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
NEA response to Improving the Energy Performance of Privately Rented Homes in England and Wales
Post on 21st Dec 2020
Cold, damp and unsafe homes continue to cause shocking levels of unnecessary hardship and premature mortality. Across the UK, NEA estimates that on average more than 10,000 people die each year due to living in a cold home[i]. In England Wales where the proposals within this consultation will apply, excess winter deaths have risen by nearly 20% last winter.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Excess winter death, Fuel Poverty and Health, Housing
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Improving Health
Improving Health
Post on 23rd Sep 2020
NEA has helped secure institutional awareness for the health impacts of living in a cold home and how these can be addressed through preventative health-related fuel poverty schemes.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Article
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Life through gas: Connecting Homes for Health
Life through gas: Connecting Homes for Health
Post on 26th Aug 2020
Cold and damp housing conditions impact on health and wellbeing. As well as causing or exacerbating serious physical health conditions such as strokes, heart attacks and asthma, they can contribute to other issues such as poor mental health, stress.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: News
Community Networks, Health, Partnership Working, Warm Home Discount, Projects, Measures, Research, Impacts
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Steps to Affordable Warmth Videos with BSL signing
Steps to Affordable Warmth Videos with BSL signing
Post on 10th Jul 2020
Our Steps to Affordable Warmth videos take the viewer through the different stages required to keep them warm, well and safe in their home as well as advising on extra benefits and energy discounts they may be entitled to. With BSL signing.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Advice
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Energy Advice, Energy Tariffs, Cold Homes, Energy Costs, Health, Home Appliances, Fuel Debt, Advice, Video, BSL
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Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy
Keeping Britain Warm and Well: How to help millions of people pay a fair price for their energy
Post on 17th Feb 2020
The Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme currently provides a payment of £140 (inclusive of VAT) towards energy bills, and also contains provisions to carry out projects to help low-income and vulnerable households to better afford their energy bill. The scheme was introduced by the Government in April 2011 and is an obligation on energy suppliers funded through bills.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes, Health, Inequality, Fuel Debt, Excess winter death, Fuel Poverty and Health, Housing, Reports
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