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Energy debt reaches a record £2.9.billion
Energy debt reaches a record £2.9.billion
Post on 15th Dec 2023
Today, Ofgem has announced energy debt has reached £2.9 billion and may look to recover this by raising the price cap and increasing Energy Bills.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: News
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence
National Energy Action (NEA) response to Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence
Post on 01st Dec 2023
The transition to net zero in Wales will be crucial to ensuring homes are warm and safe, mitigating climate change, and to achieving Welsh fuel poverty targets.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to Heat Strategy for Wales: Open consultation
National Energy Action (NEA) response to Heat Strategy for Wales: Open consultation
Post on 01st Dec 2023
The transition to zero carbon homes in Wales will be central to ensuring people are warm, healthy and safe. It will also help in Wales’s efforts to mitigate climate change and in achieving Welsh fuel poverty targets. This executive summary sets out NEA’s key priorities regarding Wales’s domestic heat strategy across three areas.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
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Standing charges response: ‘How can it be right that someone who can’t afford any energy pays a daily charge that is the same or more than someone in a mansion?’
Standing charges response: ‘How can it be right that someone who can’t afford any energy pays a daily charge that is the same or more than someone in a mansion?’
Post on 16th Nov 2023
Today Ofgem announces a paper on standing charges – it covers your energy supplier’s costs such as connecting gas and/or electricity to your home.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Media Press Releases
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Coalition of over 140 organisations and MPs call for consultation on a social tariff for energy
Coalition of over 140 organisations and MPs call for consultation on a social tariff for energy
Post on 28th Sep 2023
As Ofgem’s price cap changes take effect this Sunday (1 October), a coalition of over 140 charities, organisations and MPs is calling on the government to take action to support vulnerable households with their energy bills.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
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Price Cap Typical Domestic Consumption Value Explainer
Price Cap Typical Domestic Consumption Value Explainer
Post on 22nd Aug 2023
Ofgem will be using a different Typical Domestic Consumption Value (TDCV) than it has done in the past.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK
Content Type: Media Fact Sheets
News, News Release
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Government must provide more support for fuel-poor this winter
Government must provide more support for fuel-poor this winter
Post on 21st Jul 2023
Energy suppliers and consumer groups are calling on the Government to look now at bill support for customers this winter – including options such as a social tariff for next year and beyond.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK
Content Type: News Release
Fuel Poverty
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Warm Homes Fund Evaluation
Warm Homes Fund Evaluation
Post on 21st Jun 2023
The Warm Homes Fund was set up by National Grid and Affordable Warmth Solutions and is one of the largest fuel poverty programmes representing private sector investment of £150m.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Research and Policy
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes, Energy Costs, Research
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6.6 million UK households still in fuel poverty – despite today’s price cap change
6.6 million UK households still in fuel poverty – despite today’s price cap change
Post on 25th May 2023
Today, energy regulator Ofgem has announced that the typical annual household bill will be £2,074 from July to September
Nation / Region: UK , Wales
Content Type: Media Press Releases
News Release
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