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Comparison of two electric heating solutions for a tower block (CP1138)
Comparison of two electric heating solutions for a tower block (CP1138)
Post on 25th Feb 2019
This project installed two different combinations of electric heating systems to 20 x 2-bedroom flats in a tower block in Walsall, West Midlands, also comparing them against a control group who did not receive new heating:
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Heating
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Mitsubishi Ecodan Hybrid heat pumps with existing oil/boiler system (CP786)
Mitsubishi Ecodan Hybrid heat pumps with existing oil/boiler system (CP786)
Post on 25th Feb 2019
The project involves the installation and monitoring of 5kW Mitsubishi Ecodan Hybrid Air Source Heat Pumps interfaced with existing oil boilers (Hybrid ASHP) into 10 properties. The Hybrid ASHP is designed to work with the existing oil-fired boiler currently used as the main source of space and water heating. The hybrid ASHP works in combination with the existing boiler, operating when the outside air temperature is above a pre-set level. Below this level the existing oil-fired boiler will heat the property to ensure that the ASHP operates at the optimum efficiency.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Heat Pump
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Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 2)
Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 2)
Post on 23rd Feb 2019
A practical guide to help MPs, MLAs, local councillors, health professionals and advice workers answer queries on energy bills, heating, home insulation and energy efficiency.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Energy Advice, Advice, Leaflets, Northern Ireland
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Gas absorption heat pump for a sheltered housing scheme (CP742)
Gas absorption heat pump for a sheltered housing scheme (CP742)
Post on 06th Feb 2019
This project part-funded the installation of a Gas Absorption Heat Pump (GAHP) into a sheltered housing scheme that was undergoing major refurbishment. Project partners Colchester Borough Homes had already installed one GAHP into a sheltered housing scheme with positive feedback. However, they wanted more information about the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the GAHP.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Heat Pump
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Under One Roof
Under One Roof
Post on 02nd Feb 2019
Under One Roof was commissioned by Liverpool City Council and funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It examines evidence and practices where health bodies have worked in partnership with fuel poverty alleviation schemes. It particularly aims to identify the type of evidence commissioners are requiring from scheme providers.
Nation / Region: North West
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Housing
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Smarter storage heaters (CP765)
Smarter storage heaters (CP765)
Post on 25th Jan 2019
This project retrofitted existing night storage heaters with VCharge Dynamos in a tower block situated in the west end of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Despite the tower block being previously insulated and the windows being replaced, residents continued to note that they were unable to keep warm at a reasonable cost. The VCharge Dynamo aims to increase comfort and reduce energy use by charging the storage heaters by an amount proportionate to the households predicted preferences, taking into account the internal temperature, previous consumption patterns and external temperatures to determine how much charge is required. A total of 26 properties received VCharge Dynamos and of these 14 were monitored.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Storage Heaters
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Sungain battery bank (CP775)
Sungain battery bank (CP775)
Post on 03rd Jan 2019
This project will installed SunGain Battery Bank (SBB) energy storage technology in 35 homes alongside Solar existing PV systems for the benefit of fuel poor and vulnerable households off the Gas Grid in Thurrock. The project will assess the potential of enhancing the efficiency of PV technology.
Nation / Region: London , South East
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Solar PV, Battery Storage
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Sungain Battery Bank (CP775)
Sungain Battery Bank (CP775)
Post on 26th Nov 2018
The project was led by Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP).
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Battery Storage
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Comparing heating systems in Wakefield (CP758)
Comparing heating systems in Wakefield (CP758)
Post on 25th Oct 2018
This project focused on the installation and evaluation of measures or combinations of measures in homes at risk of fuel poverty. There was a mix of innovative and more well-established technologies installed in the properties. WDH’s standard heating replacement programme focuses on standard energy efficiency measures and typical gas and electricity heating systems. These measures have been available through ECO and its previous iterations.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Heating
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