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Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Warm Homes Fund Programme Evaluation: Abridged interim report
Post on 17th May 2019
The evaluation consortium has been working together on evaluating the impacts of the Warm Homes Fund (WHF) over the winter of 2019-2020 and has heard first-hand of the very significant and positive effects that the funding has had on the lives of many families and households.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health, Impacts, Advice, Off-grid, Housing, Rural, Project
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Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)
Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)
Post on 30th Apr 2019
This project will install Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries in all-electric, storage heated properties in North Devon using an Economy 7 tariff type.
Nation / Region: South West
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Battery Storage, Storage Heaters
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Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)
Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries charged using off peak electricity (CP1139)
Post on 27th Apr 2019
There are about 42,074 households in North Devon and the proportion of fuel poor households is estimated to be 11.6%. According to the Non-gas map, 47.1% of properties in North Devon are off the gas grid. North Devon Homes Ltd is the main social landlord in the area and rents 3,221 homes. Out of these, 623 are off the gas grid and likely to be on Economy 7 electricity tariffs. About 7,000 households in North Devon have Economy 7 meters.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Battery Storage
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Solar Max+: Comparison of Dimplex Quantum storage heaters only and options with PV and solar sharers or battery (CP782)
Solar Max+: Comparison of Dimplex Quantum storage heaters only and options with PV and solar sharers or battery (CP782)
Post on 27th Apr 2019
This project installed three different combinations of technologies to 65 all-electric sheltered accommodation flats in Grimsby, Lincolnshire:
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Solar PV, Battery Storage, Storage Heaters
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Comparison of Modern Electric Heaters (CP1022)
Comparison of Modern Electric Heaters (CP1022)
Post on 27th Mar 2019
Nottingham Community Housing Association (NCHA) wanted to replace the old storage heaters in 24 of their properties. NCHA were involved in an earlier TIF project alongside Greenvision Energy Ltd whereby standard storage heaters and domestic hot water cylinders were replaced with newer versions. The storage heaters were replaced by Dimplex Quantum high heat retention storage heaters and water cyclinders with Dimplex EC Eau Ecsd cylinders.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Electric Heaters, Electric Heaters
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Powervault G200 domestic battery storage (CP776)
Powervault G200 domestic battery storage (CP776)
Post on 26th Mar 2019
The project was led by Cheshire East Council.
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Battery Storage
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Domestic Batteries Best Practice Guide
Domestic Batteries Best Practice Guide
Post on 16th Mar 2019
Learnings from NEA’s Technical innovation fund field trials
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Battery Storage
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Park home insulation and battery storage (CP776)
Park home insulation and battery storage (CP776)
Post on 12th Mar 2019
The first part of this project is to ensure 11 rural park homes with vulnerable residents are inadequately insulated. The second part of the project is to install battery storage systems in 22 properties with PV.
Nation / Region: North West
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Solar PV, Battery Storage, Park Homes, External Wall Insulation
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24/7 solar in the London Borough of Camden (CP745)
24/7 solar in the London Borough of Camden (CP745)
Post on 12th Mar 2019
The project installed and compared the performance of three makes of batteries from, Moixa, Sonnen and Growatt in 41 properties across three London boroughs.
Nation / Region: London
Content Type: Publications
Technical, Solar PV, Battery Storage
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