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Better at Home
Better at Home
Post on 02nd Oct 2019
NEA worked with Macmillan Cancer Support to identify vulnerable households at risk of fuel poverty, living in a cold home and experiencing ill health. The fund supported the provision of energy efficiency and heating measures to householders identified as ‘in need’.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Health, Research
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NEA response to Ofgem’s consultation “Proposals to improve outcomes for consumers who experience self-disconnection and self-rationing”
NEA response to Ofgem’s consultation “Proposals to improve outcomes for consumers who experience self-disconnection and self-rationing”
Post on 22nd Sep 2019
The proposals made in this consultation will undoubtedly have a material affect on the number of customers that self-disconnect and self-ration. They are broadly in line with a number of suggestions that NEA made within our response to the preceding “Prepayment Self-Disconnection and Self-Rationing: A Call for Evidence”.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Ofgem, Fuel Debt, Consultation
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NEA response to UK Government consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy for England
NEA response to UK Government consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy for England
Post on 22nd Sep 2019
NEA believes the most pressing issue to address is a lack of adequate resource to meet the statutory energy efficiency fuel poverty requirements in England.
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Fuel Poverty Strategy, Consultation, Policy, UK Government
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NEA response to the Joint BEIS and Ofgem Consultation “Flexible and Responsive Energy Retail Markets”
NEA response to the Joint BEIS and Ofgem Consultation “Flexible and Responsive Energy Retail Markets”
Post on 22nd Sep 2019
NEA believes dramatically improving domestic energy efficiency levels remains the most enduring solution to addressing energy affordability, however, we also know other key actions are required in retail energy markets to safeguard vulnerable domestic customers, particularly those living on the lowest incomes.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Ofgem, Consultation, Energy Markets, BEIS
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UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2018-19
UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2018-19
Post on 22nd Sep 2019
This year, the focus of the Monitor is on progress in delivering existing fuel poverty strategies in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Impacts
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Water Poverty: A Common Measurement
Water Poverty: A Common Measurement
Post on 26th Aug 2019
This paper sets out to explore how adoption of a common and consistent set of approaches to tackling ‘water poverty’ may lead to successful outcomes for customers. It is designed to generate debate across all interested stakeholders and to consider ways in which water can be made affordable for all customers.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Water, Water Poverty
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NEA response to BEIS Consultation: ECO – Improving Customer Protections
NEA response to BEIS Consultation: ECO – Improving Customer Protections
Post on 05th Aug 2019
Given the stated aim to target low income, fuel poor and vulnerable households; NEA believes it is paramount that beneficiaries of the scheme receive adequate consumer protections.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Consumer Protection, Consultation, Energy Company Obligation, BEIS
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NEA response to Ofwat’s draft determinations PR19
NEA response to Ofwat’s draft determinations PR19
Post on 01st Aug 2019
NEA welcomes Ofwat’s recognition of affordability issues with water bills, highlighted by the 3 million customers in England and Wales saying they struggle to pay their water bills. Ofwat’s interventions to ensure bills are reduced by over 12% before inflation will make a significant difference to customers who are struggling to, or at risk of struggling to, pay their bills.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Water, Consultation, Water Poverty, Ofwat
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NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator price control for firmus energy (Supply) Ltd 2020-2022
NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator price control for firmus energy (Supply) Ltd 2020-2022
Post on 17th Jul 2019
NEA has supported the Regulator’s work to protect more low income and vulnerable customers from unexpected price rises. The efficiency and cost effectiveness of gas distribution networks play a key role in tackling fuel poverty levels and we need to redouble our efforts to move as many households as possible who are reliant on home heating oil to cleaner, greener natural gas. This also provides low income households with a more flexible and affordable monthly or pay as you go option.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Consumer Protection, Consultation, Policy, Energy Markets, Energy
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