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LucidTalk — NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
LucidTalk — NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
Post on 20th Oct 2023
LucidTalk – NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Research, Policy & Research, Northern Ireland, Energy, Energy crisis
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LucidTalk — NEA NI: NI Wide Omnibus Poll Project
LucidTalk — NEA NI: NI Wide Omnibus Poll Project
Post on 24th Jun 2022
LucidTalk – NEA NI: Northern Ireland (NI) Omnibus Poll Question Results General Report
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Research, Policy & Research, Policy, Northern Ireland Office, Northern Ireland, Energy, Energy crisis
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Response to BEIS consultation: Energy Bills Support – Managing the impact of the energy price shock on consumer bills scheme
Response to BEIS consultation: Energy Bills Support – Managing the impact of the energy price shock on consumer bills scheme
Post on 09th May 2022
NEA argues that there are significant deficiencies of the scheme
Content Type: Publications
Energy Costs, Consultation, BEIS, Energy, Energy crisis
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Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter
Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter
Post on 26th Jan 2022
This policy briefing highlights the positive steps that can be taken now by the UK Government and energy regulator Ofgem to respond to the current energy crisis and support vulnerable energy customers this winter. It is hoped that this will prompt policy interventions in advance of Ofgem announcing in February the next revision to the energy price cap.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
Energy Efficiency, Energy Tariffs, Energy Costs, Fuel Debt, Energy Markets, Briefing Paper, Discussion Paper, Energy crisis
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UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2020-21
UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2020-21
Post on 30th Nov 2021
This year’s UKFPM identifies the opportunities associated with decarbonising heat for fuel poor households; the barriers they face in doing so; the likely risks of the decarbonisation agenda for them; and which policy developments and interventions are required to ensure that the decarbonisation of domestic heating can be fair and affordable.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Energy Tariffs, Cold Homes, Energy Costs, Fuel Debt, Debt, Energy Markets, Decarbonisation, Net Zero
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The Gathering Storm: Utility debt and COVID-19
The Gathering Storm: Utility debt and COVID-19
Post on 19th Jun 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak has already had a significant impact on household finances, especially those that already struggle with the costs of essential services. But there is a bigger gathering storm. Existing debt issues within the water and energy sectors are being badly exacerbated by the current crisis, and whilst welcome, current provision is not adequate to deal with the scale of these challenges.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales
Content Type: Publications
Energy Costs, Fuel Debt, Policy & Research, Energy Markets, COVID-19
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NEA response to Heat Networks: Building a Market Framework
NEA response to Heat Networks: Building a Market Framework
Post on 01st Jun 2020
District heating can contribute to fuel poverty reduction targets through its ability to provide stable and predictable prices for energy over an extended period of time; reduced worry for households about breakdowns or repairs; the creation of local employment opportunities and contribution to economic growth.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Energy Tariffs, Energy Costs, Consultation, Energy Markets, District Heating
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Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach
Achieving Warmth in Whiterock and Westrock: Report findings on the door to door local based approach
Post on 17th Jun 2014
NEA engaged the University of Ulster to undertake research into the mental health and wellbeing impacts of fuel poverty and how energy efficiency measures can be used to combat them. A significant outcome from the research was it demonstrated to key stakeholders, including the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Public Health Agency that energy efficiency measures delivered alongside a managed network of support can assist fuel poor households and deliver improvements in health and wellbeing.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications
Fuel Poverty, Community Networks, Energy Costs, Health, Fuel Debt, Off-grid, Fuel Poverty and Health, Oil
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