Two years into the energy crisis, we would like to understand the ‘state of play’ for our local authority partners in the many different roles they deliver.
We’re keen to understand the experience of supporting residents with the rising cost of living; the successes and complexities of administering a range of government funded energy efficiency support schemes; working with landlords to improve conditions within the private rented sector and the current and potential opportunities for greater partnership and collaboration. This survey is for people who work for Local Authorities only.
The results of the survey will be used to inform a range of National Energy Action’s work including partnerships and development, training, research and policy and advocacy. We plan to hold follow up roundtables to ‘deep dive’ into the issues identified and convene spaces for local authority officers and others to come together. Please do let us know if you would like to take part in these follow up events.
Complete the survey here.
Data Protection: Any personal data (that which can be used to identify you) you provide here will be treated in confidence and not shared with anyone outside of NEA without your consent. Your individual responses will be used in any reports in an aggregated format and you will not be personally identified in any outputs or published documents, or direct quotes attributed to you without your consent. We may use your individual responses to contact you for further information about your response. How NEA collects, stores, and processes your data is detailed in our Privacy Statement which can be found here: