National Energy Action’s asks for the next General Election

There are currently 5.6 million UK households in fuel poverty. These people struggling with the high cost of energy, and living in cold, damp homes. There is only so much organisations like National Energy Action can do to help those in fuel poverty. We need government intervention. In either 2024 or January 2025, there will be a General Election. Households need all parties to commit to action on fuel poverty. National Energy Action is calling for:

Vulnerable households to urgently get more support to pay unaffordable energy bills.  

Along with well over a hundred other organisations, National Energy Action is calling on all political parties to commit to the introduction of an energy social tariff, providing lower bills or deeper discounts for the most vulnerable households.  

Help with record levels of energy debt, which is crushing households, putting up prices and reducing economic activity.  

Alongside debt charities, National Energy Action is calling for the new Government to introduce a new ‘help to repay’ scheme to accelerate the repayment of energy debt to put extra money back into people’s pockets and support local economies.  

Improved energy efficiency to cut bills, carbon and improve lives.  

Early progress next parliament to improve the energy efficiency of fuel-poor homes is essential if statutory fuel poverty and carbon targets are to be met. Early investment to reduce the deepest levels of fuel poverty in homes and communities, alongside new regulatory drivers will generate the greatest societal, economic, and environmental benefits.