Energy Advice and Support Service webchat
Available 1pm-4pm on the following days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
When should I use online chat?
Our webchat service extends how our Energy Advice and Support Service team can provide help to householders who have queries relating to their energy bills, and how to keep warm and safe in their home, to people who are comfortable using it. As energy price rises are biting hard, this will help us reach more people, more quickly.
How do I use chat?
When our chat is open you will find a speech bubble at the bottom right of your screen. Click here to start the service.
Before starting a chat with one of our advisors we recommend that you have as much information regarding your enquiry to hand as possible.
To start with you will be asked a couple of basic questions, your name and email address and you will be given the opportunity to explain your situation to us. This helps us identify what guidance we can offer & what support is available. If your situation is more complex our advisers may ask further questions to establish the appropriate advice / option for you.
We aim to provide a response in under five minutes, but due to demand on our service our energy advisers may be helping someone else which may result in delays. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Specialist support
As well as advice on energy issues, we can refer you to our benefits maximisation team who can help identify any further income you may be entitled to. Benefit maximisation support is not currently provided online, so we may require further information to arrange that for you.
In the coming weeks we also look forward to introducing you to our automated chatbot service for out of hours support.
You will also find details for other agencies that may be able to help on our Additional Help page or you can contact our Energy Advice and Support Service phone line on 0800 304 7159 Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1-4pm.
If you are struggling to meet the costs of your energy bills you should talk to your supplier as soon as possible as they must offer you practical help and support.
See the Ofgem site for more information on the type of help they may offer.
We want to make sure the service becomes the best it can be and we welcome your feedback about how we might improve the service in the future. This brief survey should only take 5 minutes to complete https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/NEAWebchat
Privacy information
Our webchat service is delivered using Tidio, a chat platform that connects users with support from National Energy Action. Messages and data exchanged are stored within the Tidio application you can view their privacy notice here. Personal data is processed and transmitted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). A copy of our privacy policy can be viewed here.